We are back today with Day #2 of this incarnation of the Price Charts series, taking a look at APS-C DSLRs!
To see the full chart, click on the picture, or use the direct PNG link.
We are introducing a new visual element in this edition of the Price Charts. On the right side of the bar, cameras that went down in price since the previous update have a red minus (-) next to them, while cameras that have gone up in price have a green-ish plus (+) next to them.
We have no new entries since the previous edition, so that’s why you don’t see any camera names highlighted in yellow. With Sony focusing on the E-system, and Pentax being Pentax, it’s not a surprise, since Canon and Nikon have fully stacked line-ups as you can see from the staircase pattern. So much so that it’s more or less the same DSLRs that get featured in multiple years in the Black Friday Ads. Not a sign of a competitive market like you see with smartphones. It looks more like a competitive truce
The price movements, both up and down have been of the $50 variety. The Canon 77D discount may have been triggered by price bots.
The Canon D-Rebel T5i stands apart in this edition of the chart as the only camera whose body only kit is actually $50 more expensive than their kit with the 18-55 lens [see “Take Pictures With” section below]. The same thing was so in the July 2017 edition [links at the bottom of the post].
Nikon too has unusual situation. The D5500 is not available in new condition at authorized dealers. There are imported and refurbished units but not new condition. That’s why you see the older D5300 but not the D5500. A list of all the “departed” cameras is under the “Notes and Footnotes” segment.
I limit “taking pictures with” kit prices to $700 for the purposes of this chart, so the Pentax K70 is a new entry only in the sense that its price dropped from $750 to $700, thus gaining “chart eligibility”
The importance of this chart is that it shows how much one is expected to pay to get a camera kit that takes pictures as soon as they open the box. Sure there are many other ways to get started, but a lot of people’s first camera is a “take pictures with” kit, that’s why I’m including it
The “competitive truce” is very evident here too, with one camera each from Pentax and Sony, and the usual suspects from Canon and Nikon. The result is that the prices are being held up thanks to MAP restrictions.
- we have no new entries in this edition of the price charts (since July 2017)
- since the July 2017 edition, we “lost” the Canon 70D, SL1 with 18-55, D-Rebel T5 w/18-55, Nikon D5500 and Pentax K-50 w/18-55
- only two lens kit bundles remain for the Canon SL1 and D-Rebel T5, the main options are gone
- we mentioned the Nikon D5500 and Canon D-Rebel T5i body vs w/18-55 unusual situations above in the text
- likely a price bot adjustment gave the Canon 77D its discount at Amazon versus Adorama and B&H
- the Pentax K-S2 is only available in the “with 18-55” kit now at Amazon, the body only is gone
- Adorama has the lowest price for the Sigma SD1, B&H is a special order at $2300
- Typos, errors, confusions, omissions are always possible. Please leave a comment or use the online contact form. If I don’t notice an error and no one mentions it, it won’t get fixed on its own
+ 35mm Full Frame Cameras
+ Mirrorless Cameras
+ Fixed Lens Cameras
Where Does The Data Come From?
The prices are the consensus prices between Amazon and B&H Photo and Adorama as of November 7 in 2017. These are new condition with USA warranty prices, from authorized dealers. All the prices are the body only kit prices. Older cameras that are no longer available in new condition with USA warranty from the above retailers, or are available in a very limited fashion, are not included.