Welcome to the brand new WordPress reincarnation of 1001noisycameras.com. WordPress is very flexible and versatile and customizable. If you notice that over time I go crazy with plug-ins and customizations, please feel free to e-yell at me 🙂
Template: The current template is the simplest default WordPress theme, a good way to start and slowly make adjustments. The annoying green banner at the top is there only temporary – to make sure everyone who visits notices the change. All apologies for the blinding color 🙂
RSS Feed: the Feedburner full-text RSS feed has now been switched over to the new WordPress blog. You will see these posts now. If you were already subscribed, you should be seeing the new posts now.
Comments: We are starting the blog using the native WordPress Comments with an anti-spam plug-in that will hopefully make it easy for real people to post: you just have to check an additional box that says you are not a computer, but no CAPTCHA, and no separate third-party accounts. There is a trade-off here. The third-party commenting services (Disqus, LiveFyre, CommentLuv) have more features and flexibility, but it’s a third-party widget added to the site. They can import the native WordPress comments later on, so they are always an option for the future if this doesn’t work out.
For any questions, issues, problems, please use the new online contract form or you can use the old contact form as well. Note that there will be all kinds of issues until things get sorted out.
Other things equal, we will repeat this exercise with the Camera Deals blog this weekend (October 10-12).
What About The Old TypePad Blog?
The Old TypePad blog will no longer be updated, it will remain as an archive. You can get to it with this new url http://blog1.1001noisycameras.com/. Due to the sheer size (over 10,000 posts) and various technical and creative issues, unfortunately we can’t port all the posts from the old TypePad blog. You can get to the old TypePad blog-posts by changing the url of any previously bookmarked or linked posts from www.1001noisycameras.com/some-blog-post to blog1.1001noisycameras.com/some-blog-post – see more details.
Any broken links from the old blog will be redirected to a special page here. Any individual posts that stand the test of time will be updated/refreshed and reposted here; for example the Trade Show Calendar for 2015 is the first content post to be posted here this week.